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While for decades the organelle field was governed by studies aimed at identifying the unique characteristics of each compartment, the last years have seen a revolution in the field as more focus is being placed on the interactions between the organelles and their role in maintaining cellular homeostasis. Software for providing first-class customer service. They also clearly state their address and provide website visitors with links to all of their social media profiles. Help Center Community Announcements. Download PDF. Giordano, F. The greatest shortcoming of this probe is the requirement for equimolar expression of the two FRET pairs unless FRET is measured by fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy, which is not affected by the relative amount of the two fluorophores. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. Autophagy 12 , — This manuscript is the first to show that any two organelles can create a contact site. Good to know — tips and advice for staying more secure on the web. Everyone has them, needs them, but are you really paying attention to the strategy behind them? Nature Cell Biology. Visitors need to easily access the page and submit their pieces to the editor.

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It seems that in most cases described to date functional molecules also exert tethering capacity—for example, Lam6 50 has a role in sterol transfer between mitochondria and ER membranes , and itself also exerts a tethering role Evidence for the involvement of lipid rafts localized at the ER—mitochondria associated membranes in autophagosome formation. Structures of the cell membrane. Read our knowledge base playlist for tons of advice and examples to help you make it happen.
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Repeated ER-endosome contacts promote endosome translocation and neurite outgrowth. Enterprise software company Atlassian offers a ton of different products for large companies to use to stay organized. Mast, F. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. EMBO Rep.
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Nature Cell Biology. Quasi-synaptic calcium signal transmission between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. These sites, from thereon termed mitochondria-associated membranes, became the first functional characterization of a contact-site function. How helpful!
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